“Previewing and Opening Files. Present a document interaction controller (as described in.PresentModalViewController:animated: method of its parent class, Present it modally, full screen, using the.Push it into view using a UINavigationController object.To display a Quick Look preview controller you can use any of these options: There is no printing code for you to write. If the controller can provide a preview of a file, it can also print it. We were excited to see Office Remote in action and decided to check it. In iOS 4.2 and later, the specialized view presented by a Quick Look preview controller includes an action button with a Print item. Earlier this month in a somewhat under the radar move, Microsoft released its Office Remote for Android mobile application that allows users to start PowerPoint presentations, advance slides, see speaker notes and control an on-screen laser pointer with a touch of a fingerall directly through the free Android app. It relies on a delegate for mediating preview actions, and a data source for providing the preview items. The primary class in this framework is QLPreviewController, which provides a specialized view for previewing an item. This framework affords you more control over the preview process than you get from the UIDocumentInteractionController class-including choosing whether the preview is displayed in the context of a navigation controller or modally (full screen). Use the Quick Look framework to provide previews of items that are in formats you don’t handle-such as iWork or Microsoft Office. Only way is Using the Quick Look Framework.