
Swat theme song sounds like
Swat theme song sounds like

swat theme song sounds like swat theme song sounds like

  • Family Guy used to do this in its early seasons - e.g.
  • The Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers theme song was probably intended as a spoof of the MacGyver vignette.
  • In "That 90's Show", "Shave Me" is obviously based on the Nirvana song "Rape Me," while "Margerine" is based on "Glycerine" by Bush.
  • Introduccion: Allegro pesante and his music in general (due to the song's heavy use of a bandoneon and strings), to the point that many people will incorrectly state that it is the same song (much like the theme to 12 Monkeys).
  • Dark Stanley's theme from "Yokel Chords" is based off of Ástor Piazzolla's Suite Punta del Este I.
  • "Thank God, It's Doomsday" has "Who Got Their Haircut?", a parody of the Baha Men's "Who Let the Dogs Out".
  • "They'll Never Stop The Simpsons", the closing song from the Clip Show "Gump Roast", lyrically parodies Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start The Fire" but uses a different melody.
  • Even more confusingly, the 9th season episode "Bart Carny" does actually use the original, untweaked "Morning Mood". Since the composition was in the public domain when those episodes were produced, it remains unclear why they didn't use the Grieg original.
  • Several early episodes had a bit of incidental music that was a tweaked version of Edvard Grieg's "Morning Mood" from Peer Gynt it was used to in the same manner as Grieg's original, to denote the dawning of a new day.
  • The episode where Homer becomes a hippy replaces the end theme with the bass and drums from Tomorrow Never Knows, with a sitar playing the Simpsons theme on top - several years before Giles Martin played the vocals and sitar of Within You Without You over the same, causing the Simpsons version to sound like a Suspiciously Similar Song version of that.
  • The James Bond parody couch gag uses an obvious knock-off of its famous opening theme.
  • swat theme song sounds like

  • "Flaming Moe's" has a very funny parody of the Cheers theme.
  • "Lady Bouvier's Lover" closes with "The Sound of Grandpa", a knockoff of Simon & Garfunkel's "The Sounds of Silence.".

  • Swat theme song sounds like